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caci maki bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "caci maki"
  • caci:    shout; blackguard; abuse; clapperclaw
  • maki:    swearing; swear; tell off; curse; rude; abuse;
  • caci-maki:    abusive word; cuss; curse; swear at
  • maki:    swearing; swear; tell off; curse; rude; abuse; scold
  • caciŋ:    worm; earthworm
  • dicaci maki:    be taken in
  • goto maki:    maki goto
  • horikita maki:    maki horikita
  • maki ito:    maki itoh
  • memaki-maki:    use bad language; used bad language; using bad language; shout; blackguard; clapperclaw; abuse
  • mencaci maki:    bark at; barked at; barking at; berate; berated; berating; bit at; bite at; bitten at; bitting at; called name; calling name; inveigh; inveighed; inveighing; rail against; railing against; strong-ar
  • mencaci-maki:    abuse; bawl out; bawled out; bawling out; dress down; dressed down; dressing down; fling dirt at; flinging dirt at; flung dirt at; scold; curse
  • stasiun maki:    maki station
  • maki (partai politik):    maki (political party)
  • stasiun maki (niigata):    maki station (niigata)
  • And black cusses fall from his black tongue.
    Caci maki yang gelap keluar dari lidah gelapnya
  • Make you feel like you deserve the abuse.
    Membuat kau merasa pantas untuk mendapatkan caci maki.
  • You don't remember the insults, or the torture?
    Kau tak ingat caci maki itu, siksaan itu?
  • Callin' me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap!
    Memanggilku pembunuh bayi dan semua caci maki!
  • But gets nothing but scorn and pain.
    tapi tidak mendapatkan tapi caci maki dan sakit
  • Dark abuses fall from his black tongue
    Caci maki yang gelap keluar dari lidah gelapnya
  • Either cuss me out, or pull my hair out
    Caci maki aku atau jambak rambutku!
  • I don't like obscenities just as much as you don't like them.
    Aku tak suka caci maki sama sepertimu.
  • How many insults is he making in a minute?
    Berapa banyak caci maki yang dia katakan dalam satu menit?
  • I'm suggesting that you leave before I have to get snooty.
    Saya sarankan kalian cepat pergi sebelum saya caci maki.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2